
We're using TeamCity 6 together with Github Enterprise. Our current project has quite a lot of branches. The current setup of the build configurations is that we create a new VCS root for every branch.

This does not seem the way we should do it.

Is there a way we can define a single VCS root pointing to our Github repository and then configuring the for every single build?

I've seen this post: To where should I point the VCS root of TeamCity?

But not sure whether this applies to Github as well?


1 Answers


TeamCity 7 has support for Git feature branches which will automatically build all branches matching a pattern, see the documentation for more details: http://confluence.jetbrains.net/display/TCD7/Working+with+Feature+Branches

If all you want is to have one VCS root and manually create each build configuration, you can have a single VCS root with a macro like %BRANCH_NAME% in the branch name field, and then in the properties of each build you just set a property with the same name to your branch name and TeamCity will find checkout the right branch.