I've got two model/proxy/stores I'm concerned with Questions
and Choices
. Both get data from a REST server as JSON. My process currently goes like this:
// load numQuestions records from store.Questions
var qs = Ext.getStore('Question');
//... loadmask, etc.
scope : this,
params : {
limit : numQuestions
callback : function() {
Once I have the Questions
, I loop through and fetch the Choices
that are relevant to each Question
for ( i = 0; i < numQuestions; i++) {
// ... misc ...
Assessor.questionChoices[i] = qs.getAt(i).choices();
// ...misc...
This works well, except that it makes an XMLHTTPRequest for every loop iteration. With minimum response times in the 0.15 sec area, that is fine for N < ~40. Once the numbers get to 200, which should be a common use case, the delay is nasty.
How do I get ExtJS to "batch" the requests and send them after the loop body? For example:
var choiceBatch = qs.createBatch();
for ( i = 0; i < numQuestions; i++) {
// ... misc ...
Assessor.questionChoices[i] = choiceBatch.getAt(i).choices();
// ...misc...