
I like to use my mouse as little as possible for health reasons. Almost all the common tasks in IntelliJ I can do via keyboard shortcuts, except for displaying the message of an error. How can I have a keyboard shortcut that will show the tooltip of the highlighted error?

For example, I have an error such as:

enter image description here

Then I hit [magic-keyboard-command] and I get:

enter image description here

In Eclipse this is possible by pressing F2. Is there an equivalent in IntelliJ?

It is called "Error Description". You can search for it in the Preferences > IDE Settings > Keymapuser7610

2 Answers


The standard for JetBrains tools is Ctrl+F1 (Cmd+F1 on Mac).


I use F2 on the mac, it cycles round all the errors in a single file and displays the error information for each.