In Eclipse the keyboard shortcut to find next occurrence of a word in a file was Ctrl + k
. It finds the occurrence of the selected word in a file one by one in a loop. What is the equivalent keyboard shortcut for IntelliJ IDEA? If not can we configure it some how?
14 Answers
First you'll have to highlight a symbol by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F7.
Then you just press F3 or Shift+F3 no navigate between the highlighted symbols.
When done you press Esc to exit the highlight searching.
It is all described on Highlightning Usages in IntelliJ Web Help.
Please consider using the Multiple Selections for this:
- Select the term you want to lookup;
- Use Alt+J / Shift+Alt+J (or Ctrl+G / Shift+Ctrl+G for Mac OS X) to select other occurrences.
It will work the same as Shift+F3, but it will select every next occurrences. I found this way much more conveniant, as you can choose to edit all the matching string or just move the cursor to edit the last selected one (←/→).
The Multiple Selections feature is available since IntelliJ IDEA 13.1 RC, and compete with Atom or Sublime Text similar feature.
I could not get any of IntelliJ's native options for Find Next/Previous to behave like in Eclipse. Find Word at Caret
comes close, but it only allows you to slurp and find the next word, not previous.
I wrote an IntelliJ plugin to reproduce the exact behavior as in Eclipse. You can find it here: