I have created ExtJs window that displays grid with information retrieved from database. Now I have to add event double click on datagrid row, which I did. The problem that I have is on this event I open another window which contains input field and I have to add value in it from the clicked row in the grid.
Here is code snippet from the listener on double click:
listeners : {
itemdblclick: function(dv, record, item, index, e) {
_restoreCallsWindow().show(); //show the second window
Ext.get("sense-restore-calls-path-textfield-bodyEl").child('.x-form-text').set({value:record.data.path}, true); //get the input field and add value
The code above works OK, when I inspect the element in firebug has value attribute with the information from the grid, but I want to display this value in the input field. How can I do that?
Can you please share your knowledge?