I am new to EXTJS. I am developing application using EXTJS 4.2. I have grid that shows list of Unix server details. I have 2 JS one is serverdetails.js that shows all the servers in the grid and another one is pie.js that shows pie chart. My requirement is when I select server from the grid that is in ServerDetails.js and click on button it goes to dao layer to get server details, Now this server details I have to passed on to Pie chart Js Ext.data.Store object. How do I pass these server details to Pie chart JS? Below is my code. On the grid I have dashboard button that shows the pie chart for selected row in the grid. below is the code for that.
showDashBoard : function(button) {
var grid = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('serverdetailslist')[0];
var sm = grid.getSelectionModel();
var rs = sm.getSelection();
if (!rs.length) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Info', 'No Server Details Selected');
dashBoardServerDetail = rs[0].getData();
var url = '/TechnologyTrackPortal/dashboard/loadDashBoard.action';
url : url,
method : 'POST',
jsonData: dashBoardServerDetail,
success: function(response){
var iResult = response.responseText;
response.responseText give me data in jason format. Now how do I pass this jason dat to pie.js file. Below is my pie.js file
Ext.onReady(function () {
Ext.define('DashBoardModel', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
fields: [
{name: 'title', type: 'string'},
{name: 'size', type: 'string'}
var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
storeId : 'DashBoardStoreId',
model : 'DashBoardModel',
fields : ['title', 'size'],
autoLoad: false,
autoSync: true
var chart = Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', {
alias : 'widget.dashBoardPieChart',
title : 'Technology Portal',
store : store,
theme: 'Base:gradients',
legend: {
position: 'bottom'
series: [
type: 'pie',
angleField: 'size',
showInLegend: true,
label: {
field: 'title',
display: 'outside',
font: '12px Arial',
calloutLine: true
highlight: {
segment: {
margin: 20
label: {
field: 'title',
display: 'rotate',
contrast: true,
font: '18px Arial'
tips: {
trackMouse: true,
width: 120,
renderer: function(storeItem, item) {
this.setTitle(storeItem.get('title') + ': ' + storeItem.get('size') + '%');
var panel1= Ext.create('widget.panel', {
// extend : 'widget.panel',
width: 800,
height: 600,
title: 'Server',
alias : 'widget.dashBoardForm',
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
layout: 'fit',
tbar: [{
text: 'Save Chart',
handler: function() {
Ext.MessageBox.confirm('Confirm Download', 'Would you like to download the chart as an image?', function(choice){
if(choice == 'yes'){
type: 'image/png'
items: chart
I hope I am clear with my points. Thanks Sach