Some time ago, I started translating the Symfony 2.1 website I'm working on, using the "correct way" through /{ _locale } in the URL. Now the translation worked fine for most routes, but some of them (/login, /register, ...) kept coming in the default language (fr in this instance), because they didn't have the { _locale } part in their url.
Through the debug panel I realised that the locale was not actually changed through url navigation (unlike this had me believe).
So I then went there, where I found information and link to set up a listener in order to change the session locale in function of the path that is called. All defaults locale declarations (both in config.yml and the listener itself) are "fr".
When I switch languages, I can actually see on the debug panel that the session locale changes. However, it would appear that the translation has somehow been broken : every translation bit is made in english, even though the default language is french, and despite the session locale being "fr".
Where could that come from? How can I fix it?
Thanks in advance.
More technical information:
resource: "@AuraeLCUserBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /{_locale}/
defaults: { _locale: fr }
_locale: en|fr
a twig example:
<p>{{ 'layout.greeting.welcome'|trans({}, 'AuraeLCUserBundle') }}</p>