
I'm experimenting on Symfony 2 Translation Component. My default locale is el_GR and my alternate locale is en_US. I 've set up my config.yml, I've created 2 translation files: messages.el_GR.yml and messages.en_US.yml and then cleared app/cache. I have translated the word Symfony in both locales. So when I use the command php app/console translation:debug en_US abcNikBundle I get:

State | Id       | Message Preview (en_US) | Fallback Message Preview (el_GR)
      | Symfony  | Symfony_US              | Symfony_GR

So in a twig template I write

{{ 'Symfony'|trans({},'messages') }} 

It works fine when I use the en_US locale, (it prints Symfony_US) but When I use my default locale (el_GR), it prints Symfony instead of Symfony_GR. Can it be done somehow?

Try completely deleting the cache directory. Also, if a translation cannot be found it is logged in debug mode - check your logs to see if it couldn't find the translation. Also, you don't have to specify 'messages' since that's the default, you can just do {{ 'Symfony'|trans }}Jason Roman
I deleted the cache directory and it worked! Thank you a lot!iiirxs
No problem! I'll add it as an answerJason Roman

1 Answers


Make sure your cache is completely deleted. You probably reset the cache after adding the English translation but not your fallback. See the Symfony documentation for more info:

Each time you create a new translation resource (or install a bundle that includes a translation resource), be sure to clear your cache so that Symfony can discover the new translation resources:

Sometimes just running the cache:clear command fails for me in which case I just manually delete the contents of the app/cache directory.

Also, if a translation cannot be found it is logged in debug mode in the translation channel (dev.translation.log) - check your logs to see if it couldn't find the translation. Also, you don't have to specify 'messages' since that's the default, you can just do {{ 'Symfony'|trans }}