
Basically, I have an SQL Updateable report based on the following sample SQL query:

select A, B, C from my_table;

Based on this report, I have made column B a SELECT LIST based on a Named LOV - I have also assigned this column an id of "lov_select"

Column C here is also a text area

My question and unsure how to do this, is, as this report can vary in rows, assuming this report returns 3 rows, based on the value selected from the Column B - select list, I want to use this value in column B select list to retrieve another value from a table and then return this value into Column C text are field, alongside this select list value used.

I would like to do this via a Dynamic Action.

For example:

Column A                Column B (select list LOV)   Column C
----------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------------------
Row 1                   NAME1                        returns 5                       
Row 2                   NAME2                        returns 6
Row 3                   NAME3                        returns 7

So if I change row 2 Column B and select "NAME2", I then want to execute a query using the value "NAME2" which would return a value of 6, which I then would like populated alongsde NAME2 into Column C.

the skillbuilders superlov would work great if this were single record mode, but there is no real tabular form alternative (there is one but it is poorly supported and i don't find it elegant). When your report has been generated on page load, column C already has values? And by saying "then want to execute a query using the value "NAME2" ", do you mean actually using "NAME2" (ie the display value) and not the return value to execute the query for C?Tom
Sorry Tom, I actually mean the return value which here is the same as the display value. So as I change the value in the select list, go off and execute a pl/sql query that retrieves a default value from a table based on the select list return value and display this default value in Column C.tonyf

1 Answers


Manual tabular form with source:

apex_item.text(1, empno) empno,
apex_item.text(2, ename) ename,
apex_item.text(p_idx => 3, p_value => deptno, p_size => 4, p_maxlength => 2, p_attributes => 'class="deptno"') deptno,
apex_item.text(4, null) dname
from emp

2 possible solutions:

  1. Dynamic action with ajax process

    • Event: Change
    • Selection Type: jQuery selector
    • jQuery selector: .deptno
    • Condition: no condition

    True action: Execute javascript code

    • Fire on page load: unchecked

      var lFetchFor = $(this.triggeringElement).val(), 
          lTarget = $(this.triggeringElement).closest('tr').find('input[name="f04"]');
             {"p_request"      : "APPLICATION_PROCESS=fetch_value",
              "p_flow_id"      : $v('pFlowId'),
              "p_flow_step_id" : $v('pFlowStepId'),
              "p_instance"     : $v('pInstance'),
              "x01"            : lFetchFor}, 
    • No affected element type

  2. Dynamic actions only and hidden items

    • Event: Change
    • Selection Type: jQuery selector
    • jQuery selector: .deptno
    • Condition: no condition
    • True action: Set value
      • Set type: Javascript expression
      • Javascript expression: $(this.triggeringElement).val()
      • Fire on page load: unchecked
      • Affected elements:
        • Selection type: Item(s)
        • Item(s): P37_FIND_DEPTNO
    • True action: Set value
      • Set type: SQL statement
      • SQL Statement: select dname from dept where deptno = :P37_FIND_DEPTNO;
      • Page items to submit: P37_FIND_DEPTNO
      • Fire on page load: unchecked
      • Affected elements:
        • Selection type: Item(s)
        • Item(s): P37_FIND_DEPTNO_RESULT
    • True action: Execute javascript code

      • Code:

        $(this.triggeringElement).closest('tr').find('input[name="f04"]').val($v ('P37_FIND_DEPTNO_RESULT'));
      • Fire on page load: unchecked

      • No affected element type
    • 2 hidden items, value protected set to No
      • P37_FIND_DEPTNO

Both take care of fetching the value, just depends on how you'd rather solve it.