I have two data sets with latitude, longitude, and temperature data. One data set corresponds to a geographic region of interest with the corresponding lat/long pairs that form the boundary and contents of the region (Matrix Dimension = 4518x2)
The other data set contains lat/long and temperature data for a larger region that envelopes the region of interest (Matrix Dimenion = 10875x3).
My question is: How do you extract the appropriate row data (lat, long, temperature) from the 2nd data set that matches the first data set's lat/long data?
I've tried a variety of "for loops," "subset," and "unique" commands but I can't obtain the matching temperature data.
Thanks in advance!
10/31 Edit: I forgot to mention that I'm using "R" to process this data.
The lat/long data for the region of interest was provided as a list of 4,518 files containing the lat/long coordinates in the name of each file:
x<- dir()
lenx<- length(x)
g <- strsplit(x, "_")
coord1 <- matrix(NA,nrow=lenx, ncol=1)
coord2 <- matrix(NA,nrow=lenx, ncol=1)
for(i in 1:lenx) {
coord1[i,1] <- unlist(g)[2+3*(i-1)]
coord2[i,1] <- unlist(g)[3+3*(i-1)]
coord<- cbind(coord1, coord2)
The lat/long and temperature data was obtained from an NCDF file for with temperature data for 10,875 lat/long pairs:
long<- tempcd$var[["Temp"]]$size[1]
lat<- tempcd$var[["Temp"]]$size[2]
time<- tempcd$var[["Temp"]]$size[3]
proj<- tempcd$var[["Temp"]]$size[4]
temp<- matrix(NA, nrow=lat*long, ncol = time)
lat_c<- matrix(NA, nrow=lat*long, ncol=1)
long_c<- matrix(NA, nrow=lat*long, ncol =1)
counter<- 1
for(i in 1:lat){
for(j in 1:long){
temp[counter,]<-get.var.ncdf(precipcd, varid= "Prcp", count = c(1,1,time,1), start=c(j,i,1,1))
counter<- counter+1
temp_gcm <- cbind(lat_c, long_c, temp)`
So now the question is how do you remove values from "temp_gcm" that correspond to lat/long data pairs from "coord?"