Given a numeric vector, I'd like to find the smallest absolute difference in combinations of size 2. However, the point of friction comes with the use of combn
to create the matrix holding the pairs. How would one handle issues when a matrix/vector is too large?
When the number of resulting pairs (number of columns) using combn
is too large, I get the following error:
Error in matrix(r, nrow = len.r, ncol = count) : invalid 'ncol' value (too large or NA)
This post states that the size limit of a matrix is roughly one billion rows and two columns.
Here is the code I've used. Apologies for the use of cat
in my function output -- I'm solving the Minimum Absolute Difference in an Array Greedy Algorithm problem in HackerRank and R outputs are only counted as correct if they're given using cat
minimumAbsoluteDifference <- function(arr) {
combos <- combn(arr, 2)
cat(min(abs(combos[1,] - combos[2,])))
# This works fine
input0 <- c(3, -7, 0)
minimumAbsoluteDifference(input0) #returns 3
# This fails
inputFail <- rpois(10e4, 1)
#Error in matrix(r, nrow = len.r, ncol = count) :
# invalid 'ncol' value (too large or NA)
.... baseR
is plenty enough and in one line. See my answer. – Joseph Wood