The simplifier does not invoke the quantifier elimination procedures any longer. Quantifier elimination and many other special purpose simplification rewrites are available over tactics.
The C++ wrapper z3++.h exposes methods for creating tactic objects.
You would have to create a tactic object for the "qe" tactic.
THe Z3 distribution comes with a couple of samples for using the tactics from the z3++.h API.
For example:
void tactic_example1() {
Z3 implements a methodology for orchestrating reasoning engines where "big" symbolic
reasoning steps are represented as functions known as tactics, and tactics are composed
using combinators known as tacticals. Tactics process sets of formulas called Goals.
When a tactic is applied to some goal G, four different outcomes are possible. The tactic succeeds
in showing G to be satisfiable (i.e., feasible); succeeds in showing G to be unsatisfiable (i.e., infeasible);
produces a sequence of subgoals; or fails. When reducing a goal G to a sequence of subgoals G1, ..., Gn,
we face the problem of model conversion. A model converter construct a model for G using a model for some subgoal Gi.
In this example, we create a goal g consisting of three formulas, and a tactic t composed of two built-in tactics:
simplify and solve-eqs. The tactic simplify apply transformations equivalent to the ones found in the command simplify.
The tactic solver-eqs eliminate variables using Gaussian elimination. Actually, solve-eqs is not restricted
only to linear arithmetic. It can also eliminate arbitrary variables.
Then, sequential composition combinator & applies simplify to the input goal and solve-eqs to each subgoal produced by simplify.
In this example, only one subgoal is produced.
std::cout << "tactic example 1\n";
context c;
expr x = c.real_const("x");
expr y = c.real_const("y");
goal g(c);
g.add(x > 0);
g.add(y > 0);
g.add(x == y + 2);
std::cout << g << "\n";
tactic t1(c, "simplify");
tactic t2(c, "solve-eqs");
tactic t = t1 & t2;
apply_result r = t(g);
std::cout << r << "\n";
In your case you would want something along the lines of:
context ctx;
expr x = ctx.int_const("x");
expr y = ctx.int_const("y");
expr sub_expr = (x <= y) && (y <= 2*x);
Z3_ast qf = Z3_mk_exists_const(ctx, 0, 1, (Z3_app[]) {x},
0, {}, // patterns don't seem to make sense here.
sub_expr); //No C++ API for quantifiers :(
tactic qe(ctx, "qe");
goal g(ctx);
cout << qe.apply(g);