
I am using z3 v 4.1. I am using the C++ API and I am trying to add some array constraints in the context.

I dont see the select and sort functions in the C++ API. I tried mixing of the C and C++ API. In the example array_example1() provided with the C API if I change the context variable from Z3_Context (i.e. C API) to context (i.e. C++ API) I get a segmentation fault at the "create antecedent" statement

void array_example1(){

context ctx; //Z3_context ctx; 
Z3_sort int_sort, array_sort;
Z3_ast a1, a2, i1, v1, i2, v2, i3;
Z3_ast st1, st2, sel1, sel2;
Z3_ast antecedent, consequent;
Z3_ast ds[3];
Z3_ast thm;


//ctx = mk_context();

int_sort    = Z3_mk_int_sort(ctx);
array_sort  = Z3_mk_array_sort(ctx, int_sort, int_sort);

a1          = mk_var(ctx, "a1", array_sort);
a2          = mk_var(ctx, "a2", array_sort);
i1          = mk_var(ctx, "i1", int_sort);
i2          = mk_var(ctx, "i2", int_sort);
i3          = mk_var(ctx, "i3", int_sort);
v1          = mk_var(ctx, "v1", int_sort);
v2          = mk_var(ctx, "v2", int_sort);

st1         = Z3_mk_store(ctx, a1, i1, v1);
st2         = Z3_mk_store(ctx, a2, i2, v2);

sel1        = Z3_mk_select(ctx, a1, i3);
sel2        = Z3_mk_select(ctx, a2, i3);

/* create antecedent */
antecedent  = Z3_mk_eq(ctx, st1, st2);

/* create consequent: i1 = i3 or  i2 = i3 or select(a1, i3) = select(a2, i3) */
ds[0]       = Z3_mk_eq(ctx, i1, i3);
ds[1]       = Z3_mk_eq(ctx, i2, i3);
ds[2]       = Z3_mk_eq(ctx, sel1, sel2);
consequent  = Z3_mk_or(ctx, 3, ds);

/* prove store(a1, i1, v1) = store(a2, i2, v2) implies (i1 = i3 or i2 = i3 or select(a1, i3) = select(a2, i3)) */
thm         = Z3_mk_implies(ctx, antecedent, consequent);
printf("prove: store(a1, i1, v1) = store(a2, i2, v2) implies (i1 = i3 or i2 = i3 or select(a1, i3) = select(a2, i3))\n");
printf("%s\n", Z3_ast_to_string(ctx, thm));
prove(ctx, thm, Z3_TRUE);


I also tried converting st1 and st2 from Z3_AST to expr and then equating them but I still get the segmentation fault. How do I use select and store using the C++ API?


1 Answers


Z3 has two memory management modes: push/pop and reference counting. Reference counting was introduced much later. The C API method used to create the Z3_Context defines which memory management mode will be used. The API Z3_mk_context creates a context where a push/pop policy is used. That is, AST objects are deleted when Z3_pop is invoked. Any AST object created between the matching Z3_push will be deleted. This policy is simple to use, but it may prevent your application from freeing unused memory. The API Z3_mk_context_rc creates a context where reference counting is used to reclaim memory. This is the official approach in Z3 4.x. Moreover, new objects (e.g., tactics, solvers, goals) introduced in Z3 4.x only support this approach. If you are using C++, C#, OCaml, or Python APIs. Then, it is very simple to use the new reference counting policy. On the other hand, the C API is harder to use because we have to explicitly invoke the Z3_*inc_ref and Z3_*dec_ref APIs. If we miss one of them, we can have crashes (as in your example) or memory leaks. In the C++ API, we provide several "smart pointers" that manage the reference counters automatically for us.

Your example crashes because you replaced Z3_context ctx with context ctx. The constructor of the class context uses Z3_mk_context_rc instead of Z3_context. The file example.cpp in the c++ directory demonstrates how to combine the C++ and C APIs (see function capi_example()). In this example, the C++ smart pointer are used to wrap the C objects returned by the C API.

Finally, the C++ API provided the following functions for creating array expressions:

inline expr select(expr const & a, expr const & i) {
    check_context(a, i);
    Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_select(a.ctx(), a, i);
    return expr(a.ctx(), r);
inline expr select(expr const & a, int i) { return select(a, a.ctx().num_val(i, a.get_sort().array_domain())); }
inline expr store(expr const & a, expr const & i, expr const & v) {
    check_context(a, i); check_context(a, v);
    Z3_ast r = Z3_mk_store(a.ctx(), a, i, v);
    return expr(a.ctx(), r);
inline expr store(expr const & a, int i, expr const & v) { return store(a, a.ctx().num_val(i, a.get_sort().array_domain()), v); }
inline expr store(expr const & a, expr i, int v) { return store(a, i, a.ctx().num_val(v, a.get_sort().array_range())); }
inline expr store(expr const & a, int i, int v) { 
    return store(a, a.ctx().num_val(i, a.get_sort().array_domain()), a.ctx().num_val(v, a.get_sort().array_range())); 