Hello I was hoping a Shopify expert could advise me.
I already have a collections template in use and I need to prepare this layout to work within Shopify as something supplementary to the whole ecommerce function.
As you can see you would click on the thumbnails and a larger corresponding image appears on the left along with some text at the top.
As I say there's no ecommerce element attached to this part of the site but I was thinking each image could be a product added to a collection. I'm well versed on looping through product images and collections but I'm not sure how to achieve the functionality required keeping in mind (as I understand it) you can't pass a value through the url in liquid. All I can think of would be to use a new page that uses a template with some liquid code hardcoded in each time....but surely there would be a more streamlined way.
I would appreciate any help.
Many thanks