The scaleMin
and scaleMax
attributes Saul mentioned are only available when using a custom style. Note, using type "scale" means your xAxis values must be numeric. If you want to use strings, you will probably need to use Ben's approach instead.
Here is a quick example that creates a chart with 24 points on the xAxis. Even though the query only contains the first six (6) points.
<!--- bare bones style --->
<cfsavecontent variable="style">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<frameChart is3D="false" isInterpolated="true">
<frame xDepth="3" yDepth="1" />
<xAxis type="Scale" scaleMin="0" scaleMax="24" labelCount="25" isBucketed="false" />
<!--- sample query --->
<cfset qry = queryNew("")>
<cfset queryAddColumn(qry, "xValue", listToArray("1,2,3,4,5,6"))>
<cfset queryAddColumn(qry, "yValue", listToArray("30,15,22,14,45,5"))>
<!--- chart code --->
<cfchart format="jpg" style="#style#" width="600">
<cfchartseries type="line"
valueColumn="yValue" />