I'm using cfchart
tag to draw my line chart in ColdFusion.
My x-axis range is from 1 to 24 and it is fix number of labels for all my charts.
But in my chart, I may have values for first 10 (or any fix number from 1 to 24) points. I mean, my query row count will be 10.
So query with 24 points will show full graph ad query with 10 points will show x-axis values from 0 to 10. But I want to scale the chart for 24 points regardless of query count.
has an option called scaleFrom
and scaleTo
to fix the y-axis series, Is there any option for x-axis series?
Following is a chart and it should scale it for 24 points on x-axis (lines from the 10th point will not be there).
<cfchart format="jpg"
yaxistitle="" chartwidth="600" chartheight="120">
<cfchartseries type="line" paintstyle="shade"
query="qChart1" markerstyle="circle"
valuecolumn="INTCHART1" />