I had exactly the same issue. I was trying to create a HUD (Head-up display) without DOM and I ended up creating this solution:
- I created a separate scene with orthographic camera.
- I created a canvas element and used 2D drawing primitives to render my graphics.
- Then I created an plane fitting the whole screen and used 2D canvas element as a texture.
- I rendered that secondary scene on top of the original scene
That's how the HUD code looks like:
// We will use 2D canvas element to render our HUD.
var hudCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
// Again, set dimensions to fit the screen.
hudCanvas.width = width;
hudCanvas.height = height;
// Get 2D context and draw something supercool.
var hudBitmap = hudCanvas.getContext('2d');
hudBitmap.font = "Normal 40px Arial";
hudBitmap.textAlign = 'center';
hudBitmap.fillStyle = "rgba(245,245,245,0.75)";
hudBitmap.fillText('Initializing...', width / 2, height / 2);
// Create the camera and set the viewport to match the screen dimensions.
var cameraHUD = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(-width/2, width/2, height/2, -height/2, 0, 30 );
// Create also a custom scene for HUD.
sceneHUD = new THREE.Scene();
// Create texture from rendered graphics.
var hudTexture = new THREE.Texture(hudCanvas)
hudTexture.needsUpdate = true;
// Create HUD material.
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {map: hudTexture} );
material.transparent = true;
// Create plane to render the HUD. This plane fill the whole screen.
var planeGeometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry( width, height );
var plane = new THREE.Mesh( planeGeometry, material );
sceneHUD.add( plane );
And that's what I added to my render loop:
// Render HUD on top of the scene.
renderer.render(sceneHUD, cameraHUD);
You can play with the full source code here:
And read more about the implementation on my blog: