I have looked around and I can't find the answer to the following. I want to run some 3D content in a cross platform app. I'm using VS2015 / Tools for Apache Cordova / Three.js / WebGL. When I debug my VS2015 project on the desktop (AnyCPU) and on either an iOS remote device or iOS mac simulator, my App creates a canvas, gets a WebGL context and I'm off to the races. When I use VS2015 to debug my App in the VS Android Emulator, canvas.getContext fails and Three.js throws "Error creating WebGL context".
I have downloaded (to VS2015) a VS Android Emulator using Lollipop (5.0) and launched it in free standing mode (not from my Cordova project). When I follow these MSDN Android Emulator Set Up Instructions (substitute a current version of Chrome for the default VS Emulator browser engine) the VS Emulator will correctly host and display 3D WebGL content available on the internet. But when I try to get the VS Emulator to host my Cordova project it can't make a WebGL context and lames out on me.
So my question is this: Is there a way to configure my VS2015 Cordova project to launch and debug in the VS Android Emulator and have the Emulator host my WebGL 3D content? Or is there some other trick to configuring the VS Android Emulator so that it will accept and host my WebGL project using a WebGL-enabled engine? Stumped.