
Disclaimer: this is for a homework assignment

I'm a coq noob, so I hope this is not a repeat question. I /have/ looked at this question, but my question seems to be unanswered still.

I have the following premises:

P \/ Q

I need to prove:


My coq code so far:

Section Q5.

Variables Q : Prop.
Goal P.
Hypothesis premise1 : P \/ Q.
Hypothesis premise2 : ~Q.

I get the following error when I try to execute the line Goal P.:

Error: The reference P was not found in the current environment.

These are the solutions that I was able to come up with:

  1. Replace Variables Q : Prop. with Variables P Q : Prop.. The problem with this is that P will be assumed as a premise, which it is not
  2. Add Variables P. before the goal declaration. This results in a syntax error.

Am I missing something? I don't seem to be able to figure this out.


1 Answers


The proper solution is 1, and the problem you are expecting is wrong.

When you write:

Variable P: Prop.

You are not assuming that P is inhabited (or, that "P holds"), but only that there exists a proposition named P, a "statement" whose validity is not considered here.

This is very different from writing:

Variable p: P.

Which assumes that there is a proof "p" that the type "P" is inhabited (if P has type Prop, p is a proof of the proposition P), and thus assumes that P is true.

Also, the reason why:

Variables P.

results in a syntax error is that you need to provide a type for each variable introduced (Coq can't figure it out magically when there is no information leading the type inference engine).

So it is perfectly fine to begin your script as:

Section Q5.
Variables P Q : Prop.
Hypothesis premise1 : P \/ Q.
Hypothesis premise2 : ~Q.
Goal P.