The question I have is very similar to the one presented in the link below, but on a hypothesis instead of a goal.
Apply a function to both sides of an equality in Coq?
Say I have the following definition :
Definition make_couple (a:nat) (b:nat) := (a, b).
And the following lemma to prove :
a, b : nat
H : (a, b) = make_couple a b
(some goal to prove)
I would like to generate the following hypothesis:
new_H : fst (a, b) = fst (make_couple a b)
One way is to write explicitly an assert, then use eapply f_equal :
assert (fst (a, b) = fst (make_couple a b)). eapply f_equal; eauto.
But I would like to avoid, if possible, to write explicitly the assert. I would like to have some tactic or equivalent that would work like this :
apply_in_hypo fst H as new_H
Is there anything in Coq that would come close to that?
Thanks for the answers.