I am starting a new project that is done 100% in FlashDevelop as an AS3 Project. To clarify, I am not creating an FLA in Adobe Flash at any point; Adobe Flash will never be used.
In the document class of my AS3 project I will need to create and reference movieclips that are set up in separate .as class files. The document class will have eventlisteners that watch for keyboard presses and move the movieclips when required. Movements via the keyboard inputs work fine when the movieclip is set up and added to the stage from the document class. However, I have problems when the movieclip is set up from a separate class.
Apart from my project I am working on, I have created a sample project that runs three tests for this Stack Overflow question. This sample project contains three files all stored in the same folder: Main.as (the document class), createSquare.as (creates square MC), and createCircle.as (creates circle MC).
Test #1 (Blue Rectangle): In Main.as I create a new MC called charRectangle. The size, dimensions, color, etc are defined here and then it is added to the stage. When the function keyIsDown() executes, the blue rectangle moves left or right on the stage correctly. This is a succesful test.
Test #2 (Green Square): Now I test creating a movieclip from a separate class file. In Main.as I create a new variable called charSquare and define it as a new createSquare(). createSquare.as defines the characteristics and adds the child to the stage. Problem: When the project is tested no green square is visible on the stage; however, trace output shows the the left and right arrow keys are in fact updating the X position of charSquare. How do I make the movieclip show? My solution to that is in...
Test #3 (Yellow Circle): I start everything the same way for the yellow circle as I did for the green square. We name this one charCircle. In Main.as when defining the variable as a new charCircle() I pass along the word "this" to the function in createCircle.as. This in turn tells the function createCircle to add the child to "this", the parent MC on the stage. Now we can see a visible shape. Problem: Trace output shows the left and right arrow keys are updating the X position, but the yellow circle does not move. How do I make this movie clip move?
Primary Goal: I want to avoid stating all the attributes of the character shapes in Main.as and keep that isolated to other class files. In Main.as I want to just create a new variable, define it as a new createSquare()/createCircle(),and then use a keyboard function in Main.as to handle movements. I would later keep keyboard controls in a fourth testing class called keyboardControls.as.
I can solve these problems when starting from an FLA in Adobe Flash, stating the document class, creating MC symbols on the stage, giving them an instance name, and then working on the AS files in FlashDevelop. But again, this project requires that I omit Adobe Flash/FLA so this is not the solution i am looking for.. I need to create it 100% dynamic in FlashDevelop AS3.
Thank you for any and all assistance. The source code for the three test files are found below.
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
public class Main extends MovieClip {
private var charRectangle:MovieClip;
private var charSquare:createSquare;
private var charCircle:createCircle;
public function Main() {
trace("Function: Main() has started.");
// Create rectangle character right here
charRectangle = new MovieClip();
// Create square character from class
charSquare = new createSquare();
// Create square character from class
charCircle = new createCircle(this);
// Event listener for user input
private function keyIsDown(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
// Left arrow key actions
if (e.keyCode == 37) {
charRectangle.x -= 5;
charSquare.x -= 5;
charCircle.x -= 5;
// Right arrow key actions
if (e.keyCode == 39) {
charRectangle.x += 5;
charSquare.x += 5;
charCircle.x += 5;
trace("charRectangle.x = " + charRectangle.x + ", charSquare.x = " + charSquare.x + ", charCircle.x = " + charCircle.x);
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class createSquare extends MovieClip {
private var square:MovieClip;
public function createSquare() {
trace("Function: createSquare() has started.");
square = new MovieClip();
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class createCircle extends MovieClip {
private var circle:MovieClip;
public function createCircle(parentMC:MovieClip) {
trace("Function: createCircle() has started.");
circle = new MovieClip();