I am very new in AS3. I use FlashDevelop 4. I have no Adobe Flash, just FD (pure AS3) I have problems with classpath. I searched the database but I found nothing that could help me. So the problem is as follow.
I have the project "Testing" in C:\AS App\Testing with the file Main.as. I have, also, the folder C:\AS App\W_T. In this folder is the file write_text.as. The file Main.as looks like that:
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.events.*;
import W_T.write_text;
public class Main extends Sprite
var t:TextField=new TextField();
public function Main():void
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, write);
public function write(me:MouseEvent):void
var wt:W_T.write_text = new W_T.write_text();
t.x = 100;
t.y = 100;
t.text = wt.output();
The file write_text.as looks like that:
package W_T
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.events.*;
import W_T.*;
public class write_text
public function write_text()
public function output():String
var txt:String;
txt = "From function !";
I make the appropriate specification in the global classpath. But I get the following errors:
Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: write_text. var wt:W_T.write_text = new W_T.write_text();
Error: Call to a possibly undefined method write_text. var wt:W_T.write_text = new W_T.write_text();
Definition W_T:write_text could not be found. import W_T.write_text;
Could you help me please to find where I have done wrong ?
Thank you.