Please try and reproduce the error here @
Highcharts by default smartly reduces width of the columns if there are way too many of them so as to avoid overlapping.
The columns will tend to overlap if you have overridden the aforementioned default behavior by specifying column.pointWidth
column: {
pointWidth : 10
eg: @
So to avoid overlapping, I see two options you have.
Option #1. Remove the column.pointWidth
This will make the columns thinner in order to not overlap
eg: @
Option #2. Use column.dataGrouping
This will help have a constant width of columns, but reducing (by grouping them) the number of columns instead to avoid clutter/overlap.
dataGrouping = {
groupPixelWidth: 40, // Minimum width for each column
units: [[ // Permissible groupings
[1, 2, 3,4,5,6] // 1,2,3,4,5,6 days may be grouped into 1 column
eg: @
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