
Sorry for my poor English...

Here is my problem. I have to import data from MySQL to HBase. In order to improve performance a big table is divided into some small tables in MySQL. For example, a 'message' table is divided into 'message_0', 'message_1', ... 'message_100'.

I need to import those message tables into a single table (such as 'message') in HBase. The PK in each table is message_id and it is auto-increment. As we know, HBase has a unique row key. I want to add a prefix to the message_id column.

I can't add a hbase-row-key column in those tables so that I want to modify the column content in sqoop query argument. I used the import command looks like below:

sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://host:port/message 
--username message --password message \
--query "select 't0_'+ message_id as message_key, some_split_id, some_other_columns\
from message_0 where message_id >30000 and message_id <= 31000 and \$CONDITIONS" 
--split-by some_split_id --hbase-row-key message_key 
--hbase-table message --column-family cf1

I can successfully map the column alias message_key as the HBase row key. But row key is 30001.0 which is expected as 't0_30001'.

It seems that the query didn't return the expect value of 't0_' + message_id but directly the message_id.

I also tried to modify the sqoop-generated java source to add 't0_' to message_id, then specify the compiled class to perform input action, but it dose not work neither.

Looks like this

java source:

public void set_message_key(String message_key) {
    this.message_key = "t0_" + message_key;
public MessageImporter with_message_key(String message_key) {
    this.message_key = "t0_" + message_key;
    return this; 
public void readFields(DataInput __dataIn) throws IOException {
    if (__dataIn.readBoolean()) { 
        this.message_key = null;
    } else {
        this.message_key = "t0_" + Text.readString(__dataIn);
private void __loadFromFields(List<String> fields) {
    Iterator<String> __it = fields.listIterator();
    String __cur_str;
    __cur_str = __it.next();
    if (__cur_str.equals("null") || __cur_str.length() == 0) { this.message_key = null; } else {
    this.message_key = "t0_" + __cur_str;
public void setField(String __fieldName, Object __fieldVal) {
    if ("message_key".equals(__fieldName)) {
        this.message_key = "t0_" + (String) __fieldVal;

command line(add arguments below):

--jar-file someJar.jar --class-name com.foo.SomeImportClass \

Is it possible to modify the column content in the --query argument? Do I have to write mapred jobs myself to import data from multiple tables into one single table in HBase?

Thank you for your patience to read this long question.

Hi, have you thought about creating a view with MySQL and then import the data from that view instead of each table?Jean-Philippe Bond
@JpBond That sounds a good idea. Although I'm afraid my boss would not buy this, I will talk to him. Thank you very much. But there are still some cases I have to write mapred jobs myself.scarcer

1 Answers


I solved a similar problem in the following way:

First off, concat() can help to combine two columns into one, the syntax is as followed

     select concat('t0_',message_id) as message_key, ...

Then, add the following option to sqoop import to specify the 'message_key' should be considered as String.

     --map-column-java message_key=String

Hope it can help. Thanks.