In few words: is the PAC (Presentation‑Abstraction‑Control) design pattern, just the MVP (Model‑View‑Presenter) pattern where the view is a passive view?
As far as I can understand
MVP is a Presenter, talking with a Model. Then a View talking to the Presenter, and the other way too, the Presenter can talk to the View, that is:
View <--> Presenter --> Model
with incoming user events coming from the View [*].
PAC is a Controller, which talks to both the Presentation and the Abstraction, but the Presentation does not talk to the Controller (but still sends events the Controller may intercept, though), that is:
Presentation <-- Controller --> Abstraction
with incoming user events coming from the Presentation (?).
This make me feel to understand PAC is the same as MVP, where the view is passive. Is this a correct interpretation of these two patterns?
[*]: unlike with MVC, where user events comes from the Controller
P.S. Is this OK to ask a general question about design patterns on Stackoverflow? Or is there a better place? I have a doubt, as that's more a design than a programming matter.