(define (sum-two-sqrt a b c)

    (cond ((and (<= c a) (<= c b)) sqrt-sum(a b))
           ((and (<= a b) (<= a c)) sqrt-sum(b c))
           ((and (<= b a) (<= b c)) sqrt-sum(a c))
(define (sqrt-sum x y)
           (+ (* x x) (*y y))
(define (<= x y)
      (not (> x y))

(sum-two-sqrt 3 4 5)

This is my code

Please help me to fix the problem. :)

I just start studing Lisp today.

learned some C before but the two language is QUITE DIFFERENT!

This is the question Define a procedure that takes three numbers as arguments and returns the sum of the squares of the two larger numbers.

If you have better algorithm


Thank you :)

(sqrt-sum a b) not sqrt-sum(a b), also why define <= ? isn't it already defined?user1651640
OK, I changed the sqrt-sum(a b) to (sqrt-sum a b). The procedure could run now, but the result is not right.Jerry Zhao
Please post your solution for others' benefit.Barmar
Next time, describe your problem. You omitted describing why you think there are problems.dyoo

4 Answers


There's no need to define <=, it's a primitive operation. After fixing a couple of typos:

  • sqrt-sum: you were incorrectly invoking the procedure; the opening parenthesis must be written before the procedure name, not after.
  • sqrt-sum: (*y y) is incorrect, you surely meant (* y y); the space(s) after an operator matter.

This should work:

(define (sqrt-sum x y)
  (+ (* x x) (* y y)))

(define (sum-two-sqrt a b c)
  (cond ((and (<= c a) (<= c b)) (sqrt-sum a b))
        ((and (<= a b) (<= a c)) (sqrt-sum b c))
        ((and (<= b a) (<= b c)) (sqrt-sum a c))))

Or another alternative:

(define (sum-two-sqrt a b c)
  (let ((m (min a b c)))
    (cond ((= a m) (sqrt-sum b c))
          ((= b m) (sqrt-sum a c))
          (else (sqrt-sum a b)))))

Following up on a suggestion by @J.Spiral and seconded by @River, the following Racket code reads nicely to me:

#lang racket

(define (squares-of-larger l)
  (define two-larger (remove (apply min l) l))
  (for/sum ([i two-larger]) (* i i)))

(squares-of-larger '(3 1 4)) ;; should be 25

Please note that this solution is entirely functional, since "remove" just returns a new list.

Also note that this isn't even in the same neighborhood with HtDP; I just wanted to express this concisely, and show off for/sum.


I didn't have Scheme interpreter here, but below seems to be shorter then other suggestions :) So it's in CL, but should look very similar in Scheme.

(defun sum-two-sqrt (a b c)
  (let ((a (max a b))
        (b (max (min a b) c)))
    (+ (* a a) (* b b))))

In Scheme this would translate to:

(define (sum-two-sqrt a b c)
  (let ((a (max a b))
        (b (max (min a b) c)))
    (+ (* a a) (* b b))))

the algorithm seems to work, just turn



* y

whitespace is important here, else you're telling the interpreter you want to usethe function *y

add a close paren after

(define (<= x y) (not (> x y))

sqrt-sum(a b) 

turns to

(sqrt-sum a b)

and ditto for the other sqrt-sum calls

edit: also a possibility:

(define (square a) (* a a))
(define (square-sum a b c)
    (- (+ (square a) 
          (square b)
          (square c))
       (square (min a b c))))