
I am trying to generate a site that contains javadoc.

The structure looks like this:

|   |--myproduct
|          |--mypackage
|               |--notgenerated.html

In the _site folder I get only


When I add a dummy file in the com directory

|   |--myproduct
|   |       |--mypackage
|   |            |--notgenerated.html
|   |--generated.html

The _site folder now looks like this

|   |--generated.html

How can I get Jekyll to copy these deeply nested files to the _site directory without having to place dummy files in the intermediate directories?

I am using Ruby 1.9.1 with Jekyll 0.11.2 on Win7-x64.

When you run jekyll, do you not get any error output at all? If so, paste it into the question...Dan Gravell
Nope, no error output, and all other pages generate fine.Axel Fontaine
What are the actual names of the directories and the file? It may have something to do with that.Alan W. Smith
Folders beginning with an underscore, such as _EXAMPLE, need to be added to the include section of _config.yml.Paul Wenzel

1 Answers


The kind souls at Github support found the cause.

It turns out that I had a mistake in _config.yml.

I used

exclude: dir1, dir2, file1

instead of

exclude: [dir1, dir2, file1]

And this caused the site generation to fail. Silently.