I have an hbase table named USERS having a column family name USER_INFO. USER_INFO has two qualifiers EMAIL ,AGE. When i try to load a single qualifier values thorugh PIG, Its a success. using command:
R = LOAD 'USERS' USING org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('USER_INFO:EMAIL', '-loadKey') AS (key: chararray, EMAIL: chararray);
dump R;
but i am not able to load the table using both qualifiers. i.e. EMAIL, AGE. i tried this :
S = LOAD 'USERS' USING org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('USER_INFO:AGE', 'USER_INFO:EMAIL','-loadKey')
AS (key: chararray, AGE:chararray, EMAIL:chararray);
dump S;
it gave error in creating job configuration. rather i dont know the correct usage of command, that i should give. PLZ HELP!!!!
R = LOAD 'USERS' USING org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('USER_INFO:EMAIL USER_INFO:AGE', '-loadKey') AS (key:chararray,EMAIL:chararray,AGE:chararray); dump R;
its working with this. – vikash