Thanks for taking interest in my question. Before I begin, I'd like to let you know that I'm very new to Hadoop & HBase. So far, I find Hadoop very interesting and would like to contribute more in the future.
I'm primarily interested in improving performance of HBase. To do so,I had created one hbase table , and have written pig script for the loading 5000(only values delimited by '!' ) lines of data into hbase table and later i mapped this h base table with Hive table . every thing is working fine as of now ... But the problem comes now is i want to load the data which has key and value both (for example key1 =12 ! key2= 13) , so for that what kind of parsing i can choose to load that key-value pair data into h base tables accordingly , and also please let me know the importance of the row key in h base table .
And i had written the Pig script as follows
A = LOAD '/BULK_ARK_DATA/' USING PigStorage( '!' ) AS(id: chararray,a: chararray,b: chararray,c: chararray); STORE A INTO 'hbase://bulk_ark' USING org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage ( 'AF:a AF:b AF:c');
So how to Load the key-valued data in hbase tables ?????? Please respond me As early as u get this .... :)