In case this helps anyone, I wrote up a full solution in python here:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# The way to solve this is quite simple but does differ slightly for N = odd or even numbers of rings.
# At each move you do either a) or b):
# a) move the "1" value to the peg to the right, wrapping around to the first peg if needed
# b) make the only other legal move
# And then repeat either a) or b) for (2 ^ numrings) - 1.
# So for N=3, you would do the above steps 7 times.
# The catch that I alluded to earlier is that for N == odd (3,5,...), you will need to repeat this
# entire algorithm one more time as the above will only move the rings one peg to the right.
import sys
# Print the tower so we can check our progress
def print_tower(pegs, nrings):
npegs = len(pegs)
for y in range(0, nrings):
h = nrings - y
for x in range(0, npegs):
if len(pegs[x]) >= h:
sys.stdout.write(str(pegs[x][len(pegs[x]) - h]) + " ")
sys.stdout.write("| ")
def solve_tower(nrings, npegs):
pegs = []
for peg in range(0, npegs):
# push the nrings on
for i in range(0, nrings):
pegs[0].append(i + 1)
# For N == odd numbers we will need to repeat this twice
for tries in range(0, 1 + nrings % 2):
print_tower(pegs, nrings)
move_peg_one_right = True
# Repeat the steps a) or b) for 2^N-1 times
for moves in range(0, (1 << nrings) - 1):
# step a)
if move_peg_one_right:
for peg in range(0, npegs):
if len(pegs[peg]):
if pegs[peg][0] == 1:
next_peg = (peg + 1) % npegs
pegs[next_peg].insert(0, pegs[peg].pop(0))
print("Moving value 1 from peg {} to peg {}\n".format(peg + 1, next_peg + 1))
# step b)
moved_a_ring = False
for peg in range(0, npegs):
# Look for a ring on a peg to move
if len(pegs[peg]):
value = pegs[peg][0]
# Don't move the ring value "1" as we move that in a)
if value != 1:
for next_peg in range(0, npegs):
# The next peg is the one to the right of this peg. If we reach the last peg then we
# need to move to the first peg.
next_peg = (peg + next_peg) % npegs
# Don't move to the same peg; that would be silly
if next_peg == peg:
# If the destination peg is empty, move there
if not len(pegs[next_peg]):
pegs[next_peg].insert(0, value)
moved_a_ring = True
print("Moving value {} from peg {} to empty peg {}\n".format(value, peg + 1, next_peg + 1))
elif value < pegs[next_peg][0]:
# Else if the destination peg has a lower value, move there
pegs[next_peg].insert(0, value)
moved_a_ring = True
print("Moving < value {} from peg {} to peg {} dest {}\n".format(value, peg + 1, next_peg + 1, pegs[next_peg][0]))
if moved_a_ring:
if not moved_a_ring:
print("Error, failed to move")
print_tower(pegs, nrings)
# Alternate between a) and b)
move_peg_one_right = not move_peg_one_right
print("Finished pass\n")
nrings = 3
npegs = 3
solve_tower(nrings, npegs)