I have an iPhone app that is apparently not displaying its icon on the home/desktop screen only on a retina iPhone device.
I can see the icons in the retina simulator, as well as regular iPhone simulator. I can see the icon on my iPad2 device as well.
My Xcode plist has two key/values:
- "icon file" set to icon.png
- "icon files" with item 0 set to icon.png
The single icon.png that I have included in my project is a 144 x 144 png image (I figured i'd just create one high resolution icon image that both the regular and retina iPhones will use, rather than going thru the duplication of icon files with the retina version being appended @2x.png).
Im curious why this isn't working on the retina iPhone device, since having a single icon.png should still display it on all iPhones (ex: retina iPhone can still display 72 x 72 icons).
anybody see what I'm doing wrong here?