
hello i'm building iphone application but when the application apear in itunes it didn't have an icon this list if icons is Icon.png - 57x57 pixels
[email protected] - 114x114 pixels
Icon-72.png - 72x72 pixels
Icon-Small.png - 29x29 pixels
[email protected] - 58x58 pixels
Icon-Small-50.png - 50x50 pixels all above icon are listen in the plist file

iTunesArtwork 512x512 pixels

Where is the iTunesArtwork image?Linuxmint
Please accept one of the answers as "accepted answers" as it helps out the community of Stackoverflow when you do so, and also adds to your own rating.Linuxmint

2 Answers


This might help: http://www.iphonedevsdk.com/forum/iphone-sdk-development/7284-so-how-do-you-deal-itunesartwork.html

It looks like you need to upload your iTunesArtwork image to iTunes Connect.