
When writing .csv files i use fputcsv like this:

- open a temporary file $f = tmpfile();
- write content to file using fputcsv($f,$csv_row);
- send appropriate headers for attachment
- read file like this:

# move pointer back to beginning 

    echo fgets($f);

# fclose deletes temp file !

Another aproach would be:

- open file $f = fopen('php://output', 'w');
- send appropriate headers for attachment
- write content to file using fputcsv($f,$csv_row);
- close $f stream

My question is: What would be the best approach to output the data faster and taking into account server resources ?

First method would use more writes and consume more resources but would output very fast.

Second method uses less writes and would output slower i think.

Eagerly waiting for your opinions on this.


This is not about opinions. We don't think one or the other is faster. Try benchmarking both approaches, and you'll know which one is faster.Berry Langerak
@BerryLangerak Yes, you are right. I'll try benchmarking this and post results.B Paul

2 Answers


fpassthru() will do what you're doing at a lower level. Use it like this:

# move pointer back to beginning 

while(fpassthru($f) !== false);

# fclose deletes temp file !

Even though it may be a csv file, there is no need to restrict yourself to csv functions, unless you are generating the file at the time of output.

You could probably see a performance gain if you stream the CSV to output instead of to a file.


Why do you need to write the csv content to a tmp file/php's output stream ?

You just need to echo the csv content directly, there should not be any file operations.

  • send appropriate headers for attachment
  • echo the csv content.

header("Content-type: application/csv");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=file.csv");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Expires: 0");

foreach ($csv_rows as $csv_row) {
  echo $csv_row;