These are the best and most commonly used methods for writing to and reading from files:
using System.IO;
File.AppendAllText(sFilePathAndName, sTextToWrite);//add text to existing file
File.WriteAllText(sFilePathAndName, sTextToWrite);//will overwrite the text in the existing file. If the file doesn't exist, it will create it.
The old way, which I was taught in college was to use stream reader/stream writer, but the File I/O methods are less clunky and require fewer lines of code. You can type in "File." in your IDE (make sure you include the System.IO import statement) and see all the methods available. Below are example methods for reading/writing strings to/from text files (.txt.) using a Windows Forms App.
Append text to an existing file:
private void AppendTextToExistingFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string sTextToAppend = txtMainUserInput.Text;
//first, check to make sure that the user entered something in the text box.
if (sTextToAppend == "" || sTextToAppend == null)
{MessageBox.Show("You did not enter any text. Please try again");}
string sFilePathAndName = getFileNameFromUser();// opens the file dailog; user selects a file (.txt filter) and the method returns a path\filename.txt as string.
if (sFilePathAndName == "" || sFilePathAndName == null)
//MessageBox.Show("You cancalled"); //DO NOTHING
sTextToAppend = ("\r\n" + sTextToAppend);//create a new line for the new text
File.AppendAllText(sFilePathAndName, sTextToAppend);
string sFileNameOnly = sFilePathAndName.Substring(sFilePathAndName.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1);
MessageBox.Show("Your new text has been appended to " + sFileNameOnly);
}//end nested if/else
}//end if/else
}//end method AppendTextToExistingFile_Click
Get file name from the user via file explorer/open file dialog (you will need this to select existing files).
private string getFileNameFromUser()//returns file path\name
string sFileNameAndPath = "";
OpenFileDialog fd = new OpenFileDialog();
fd.Title = "Select file";
fd.Filter = "TXT files|*.txt";
fd.InitialDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
if (fd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
sFileNameAndPath = (fd.FileName.ToString());
return sFileNameAndPath;
}//end method getFileNameFromUser
Get text from an existing file:
private void btnGetTextFromExistingFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string sFileNameAndPath = getFileNameFromUser();
txtMainUserInput.Text = File.ReadAllText(sFileNameAndPath); //display the text