My table
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
userid int(11) NO MUL NULL
title varchar(50) YES NULL
hosting varchar(10) YES NULL
zipcode varchar(5) YES NULL
lat varchar(20) YES NULL
long varchar(20) YES NULL
msg varchar(1000)YES MUL NULL
time datetime NO NULL
That is the table. I have simulated 500k rows of data and deleted randomly 270k rows to leave only 230k with an auto increment of 500k.
Here are my indexs
Keyname Type Unique Packed Field Cardinality Collation Null
PRIMARY BTREE Yes No id 232377 A
info BTREE No No userid 2003 A
lat 25819 A YES
long 25819 A YES
title 25819 A YES
time 25819 A
With that in mind , here is my query:
>-118.13902802886 ANDlong
<-118.08130797114 ANDlat
>33.79987197114 ANDlat
<33.85759202886 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0, 25
Showing rows 0 - 15 (16 total, Query took 1.5655 sec) [id: 32846 - 540342]
The query only brought me 1 page, but because it had to search all 230k records it still took 1.5 seconds.
Here is the query explained:
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE posts index NULL PRIMARY 4 NULL 25 Using where
So even if i use where clauses to only get back 16 results I still get a slow query.
Now for example if i do a broader search :
SELECT * FROM `posts` WHERE `long`>-118.2544681443 AND `long`<-117.9658678557 AND `lat`>33.6844318557 AND `lat`<33.9730321443 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0, 25
Showing rows 0 - 24 (25 total, Query took 0.0849 sec) [id: 691 - 29818]
It is much faster when retrieving the first page out of 20 pages and 483 found total but i limit to 25.
but if i ask for the last page
SELECT * FROM `posts` WHERE `long`>-118.2544681443 AND `long`<-117.9658678557 AND `lat`>33.6844318557 AND `lat`<33.9730321443 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 475, 25
Showing rows 0 - 7 (8 total, Query took 1.5874 sec) [id: 553198 - 559593]
I get a slow query.
My question is how do I achieve good pagination? When the website goes live I expect when it takes off that posts will be deleted and made daily by the hundreds. Posts should be ordered by id or timestamp and Id is not sequential because some records will be deleted. I want to have a standard pagination
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... [Last Page]