
I'm trying to add a secondary menu bar besides the main menu bar because I want to keep the main menu with all the categories listed and then an individual menu per website/store within the same magento shop. The theme I'm using already comes with a menu widget and I sort of accomplish what I wanted but I have a little CSS styling issue. let me explain.

In order to have two menus, I did the following.

  1. Copied community/Company/MenuWidget to local/MyCompany/MyMenuWidget
  2. replaced all the references in all the files found under Block, Helper, etc, controllers, Model, that pointed to Company_MenuWidget to MyCompany_MyMenuWidget. I basically cloned the Menu Widget.
  3. Added the following lines to css.xml under

< reference name="header" >

< block type="cms/block" name="cms_my_menu_block" >

< action method="setBlockId" >< block_id>my_menu_block < /block_id >< /action> < /block>

  1. Added the following line to header.phtml

< div class="my-class" >< ?php echo $this->getChildHtml('cms_my_menu_block') ?>< /div>

  1. Added a class to the CSS styles sheet 'my-class' with the same values of the nav-container class and then modified the valued to position the menu where I wanted it.

  2. duplicated the MenuWidget styles sheet and renamed it as needed.

  3. Created a block with the identifier for the store/website I wanted it to show up and it did.

Now the problem I'm facing is that the original menu is partially picking up the copied styles sheet so modifications I do to the copy, is partially affecting the main, not all the modifications. For example, I was able to move the container down and position it but now the "dropdown pop-ups" which I had to reposition as well, are being affected on both menus when I move them.

How can I completely separate the style sheets? I'm not even sure why the other menu bar is picking up on the new style sheet.

Any help is appreciated it.

which are you using which comes with secondary menu ?Ankit Tyagi

2 Answers


The reason the "other" menu is reacting to both stylesheets is because both stylesheets are loading and you probably didn't change the classes/ids. You can remove the other one using your local.xml probably in the default reference:

<reference name="head">
    <action method="removeItem">

A beter way to handle this would be to let the other menu do its thing and override the parts you want to with your own module. I think how to do that is out of the scope of this/any answer, though.

$catagory_model = Mage::getModel('catalog/category');
$categories = $catagory_model->load($id);
    $cats = explode(",", $categories->getChildren());
    foreach($cats AS $c)
    $cat = $catagory_model->load(trim($c));
    echo '<a href="/'.$cat->getUrlKey().'">'.$cat->getName().'</a>';

This worked for me with the Core 1.9 Magento Setup in my /html/footer.phtml template file