I'm mavenizing an ANT project and building the POM file. The current ANT build file has a target that generates 2 EAR files using weblogic's JwscTask. Now I just have to deploy only these 2 EAR files to a remote repo's weblogic server. I do not want Maven to generate any package, but take the generated 2 EAR files and deploy it. Essentially, the clean, compile and deploy phases have to be taken care of by Maven; packaging is done by ANT. I use the maven-antrun-plugin in the pom file to call the target in the build.xml file.
If I choose the packaging as 'POM', then Maven will not generate any packaging, but it won't compile the src files as well.
Is there any way in which I can skip the package phase in the Maven lifecycle? Say I specify the packaging as WAR in the POM, is there a way to skip the generation of the WAR file, and deploy the 2 EAR files?
Here is a section of the POM file:
<ant antfile="${basedir}/build.xml" target="build-service"/>