i have this type
TMain = class(TForm)
panel1: Tpanel;
panel2: Tpanel;
panel3: Tpanel;
panel4: Tpanel;
panel5: Tpanel;
panel6: Tpanel;
panel7: Tpanel;
panel8: Tpanel;
panel45: Tpanel;
label1: TLabel;
label2: TLabel;
label3: TLabel;
label4: TLabel;
label5: TLabel;
label6: TLabel;
label7: TLabel;
label109: TLabel;
How can i call this components in one line... inside the Type?
Thank you ...
Base from the anwser i get and accepted it works great when i have all this components and make the actions like a button1.click from the main form...
But i use to make the actions from units... so
When i click a button i great a procedure DoMaths(Sender: TObject);
procedure Tform1.DoMaths(Sender: TObject);
if TButton1(Sender).hint := 'Make the standard Package' then
the do_Maths_standard_package is in unit ComplexMaths.
is the procedure do_Maths_standard_package form unit ComplexMaths it calls some components form Form1... like Form1.label1 etc...
So when i call the RegisterClass(TLabel) and erase the Tlabel from the type it gives an error that it cant find the Label1...
Please can someone help me so not to do the hole program from the start...
Thank you again...