
I have seen many posts to this problem but no prescribed solution worked for me, so I am trying again.

Problem summary: LightSwitch application (in-browser 3-tier) using Visual Studio 2012 - Users from remote machines are able to authenticate ok (Windows Auth) but actual business data is not displayed (I get "red Xs" showing "Unable to load data...").

UPDATE: The issue is when running it with other browser other then IE. In IE it all works ok!

On the web server, if I go to "Browse *:80" in IIS7 everything works ok: enter image description here

But if I run from a client machine across the Internet (no VPN, different domain) I get the error (I am using Google Chrome): enter image description here

Interestly, using Fiddler I can see that the data IS actually coming in: enter image description here

Server info:

  • Windows 2008 R2 with .Net 4.5 as well as the LightSwitch 2011 pre-requisites installed through WPI.
  • SQL Server 2008 Std on the same server

LightSwitch App Settings:

  • Use Windows Auth (Allow any uthenticated Windows user)
  • Application type: Web
  • Application Server Config: IIS

IIS Settings:

  • App Pool: .Net=4.0.30319, Managed pipeline mode=Integrated
  • Connection Strings: only 1 VALID connection string using SQL Server authentication (SQL Server user is SysAdmin)
  • .Net Authorization Rules: Allow - All Users

I am sure I am missing something simple, could you please help me figure this out?


Is it fetching data using Ajax? Could it be that the problem is related to same origin policy handling? If so have a look at this and this. Also Google for "cross origin resource sharing".user1429080
It is not ajax; it's silverlight.Gus Cavalcanti

2 Answers


Apparently this is a known bug. You mustn't have seen this workaround? I can't tell you if it works, as I haven't started using VS/LS 2012 yet, but I hope it'll help you.

Working Around The Chrome Data Loading Bug in VS 2012 RC

If you're still using the RC, instead of the RTM version (& I'd assume that this would be fixed in the final version, seeing as the workaround comes from an LS team member), maybe the workaround will fix the problem for you.


Found the problem - in the client machine I was running Chrome. As soon as I tried with IE it worked!!!

I can't believe I spent so much time on this. :(