
I got a weird problem during LightSwitch deployment.

My publish setting of LightSwitch is

  • Client Configuration: Desktop
  • Application Server: IIS (without LightSwitch prerequisite. I cannot make it to the hosting server)
  • Authenticaion: Forms Authentication
  • Database: Update Existing Database

FYI, my hosting company does not give web deployment so I have to make a package as a ZIP file and import it using IIS7 remote-admin.

After importing the zip file and deploying successfully, the first entrance of the desktop client is form auth login.

But...what is my default Admin?? I don't have any information about it!

enter image description here

In authentication page in Publish wizard, it only gives one link: "Learn more about adding an Application Administrator" but It is not described.

Can you help me?


1 Answers


In the publishing wizard there should be a screen that asks you to create a default administrator account and specify the username and password.