I tried to come up with an example that could show a typical usage
case. Since there's a long established tradition of using factorials as
examples of functional languages, I decided not to break it.
These two files below (factorial.h and factorial.c) use a table to
help calculating factorials of integer numbers. They first build and
fill a table with factorials; then this table is used to ask for
factorials; and then it's deallocated when it's not needed anymore.
We also print messages to stdout just to be able to know when
our table is initialized and freed.
typedef struct {
unsigned max;
unsigned *table;
} factorial_table;
int factorial_table_init(factorial_table *t);
int factorial_get(factorial_table *t, int n);
void factorial_table_free(factorial_table *t);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <factorial.h>
int factorial_table_init(factorial_table *t)
unsigned i, factorial;
t->max = factorial = 1;
while (INT_MAX / factorial > t->max + 1)
factorial *= ++t->max;
t->table = malloc((t->max + 1)*sizeof(unsigned));
if (!t->table) return !0;
t->table[0] = 1;
for (i = 1; i <= t->max; i++)
t->table[i] = i * t->table[i-1];
fprintf(stdout,"A factorial table was just allocated.\n");
return 0;
int factorial_get(factorial_table *t, int n)
if (n < 0) return (-1);
if (n > t->max) return (-2);
return t->table[n];
void factorial_table_free(factorial_table *t)
fprintf(stdout,"A factorial table was just freed.\n");
Now, our Haskell code.
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface, EmptyDataDecls #-}
#include <factorial.h>
#let alignment t = "%lu", (unsigned long)offsetof(struct {char x__; t (y__); }, y__)
module Factorial (factorial) where
import Control.Monad
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.C
import Foreign.Storable
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Foreign.Marshal
data Factorial_table
instance Storable Factorial_table where
sizeOf _ = #{size factorial_table}
alignment _ = #{alignment factorial_table}
peek _ = error "Cant peek"
foreign import ccall factorial_table_init :: Ptr Factorial_table -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall factorial_get :: Ptr Factorial_table -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall "&factorial_table_free" funptr_factorial_table_free
:: FunPtr (Ptr Factorial_table -> IO ())
factorialIO :: IO (CInt -> IO CInt)
factorialIO = do
tableFgnPtr <- mallocForeignPtr :: IO (ForeignPtr Factorial_table)
withForeignPtr tableFgnPtr $ \ptr -> do
status <- factorial_table_init ptr
when (status /= 0) $ fail "No memory for factorial table"
addForeignPtrFinalizer funptr_factorial_table_free tableFgnPtr
let factorialFunction n = do
r <- withForeignPtr tableFgnPtr $ \ptr -> factorial_get ptr n
when (r == (-1)) $ fail
"Factorial was requested for a negative number"
when (r == (-2)) $ fail
"Factorial was requested for a number that is too big"
return r
return factorialFunction
factorial :: CInt -> CInt
factorial = unsafePerformIO . unsafePerformIO factorialIO
First, note how Factorial_table instances Storable. Also
note that all function bindings return IOs.
All relevant code is in factorialIO. It first mallocs a pointer (and
here is where size and alignment information from Storable is used. I
wrote the type of that call, but that is not necessary). Then it adds the
finalizer, which will be run just before that pointer memory is freed. We
encapsulate that pointer inside a function of an integer (factorialFunction), always using
withForeignPtr, and return it.
Since we know our functions do not have important side effects,
the last 2 lines just make what we just created into a pure function.
Let's test it:
Prelude> :m + Factorial
Prelude Factorial> factorial 5
A factorial table was just allocated.
Prelude Factorial> factorial 10
Prelude Factorial> factorial 13
*** Exception: user error (Factorial was requested for a number that is too big)
Prelude Factorial> factorial 12
Prelude Factorial> :q
Leaving GHCi.
A factorial table was just freed.
I hope this was useful. Of course, it's a completely artificial way of
calculating factorials, but that is what God created factorials for.