I am trying to write ffi for pdflib library ( pdflib.com ) using c2hs on 64 linux. You can download pdflib from their website for free (fully functional eval.)
I tried to compile and run their hello.c demo program and it works fine.
As far as i understand i need only 2 files to make it work: pdflib.h and libpdf.a
So i put both of them into hello folder, wrote a chs file, it compiles and generates hs file fine. But when i try to compile my Hello.hs program cabal complains
Cabal: Missing dependency on a foreign library: * Missing C library: pdflib
I tried giving it the folder name via --extra-include-dirs and --extra-lib-dirs but it does not help.
How do i compile haskell program with pdflib.h and libpdf.a files ?