
What I'm trying to do:

treat the POST data from a multi-select input with the array_diff() function

Initial code:


Probem: It was not working when nothing was selected in the multiselect input

Current solution:


This solution works. !=null was not working, nor gettype()=="array"

Question: Could anyone could explain why the if(!empty()) test is necessary, and if the problem comes from the POST data or the array_diff function?

EDIT: It works with gettype()=="array". The problem was that the type when there is no data is not an empty array but an empty string.

Additional info: CakePHP docs about the way Post data are converted to an array.

Give a var_dump on the value and tell us the value returnedFabianoLothor
It returns '' So it's an empty string.L. Sanna
Ok solved. It works with gettype()==array. Must have made a typo the first time.L. Sanna
var_dump("" != null) return false the correct is var_dump("" !=== null) about the array, use is_array function.FabianoLothor
Thanks Fabiano. Copy this comment and I will accept.L. Sanna

2 Answers


With the function "empty()", the variable is considered empty if it is equal to:

  • "" (an empty string)
  • 0 (0 as an integer)
  • "0" (0 as a string)
  • NULL
  • array() (an empty array)
  • var $var; (a variable declared, but without a value in a class)

The value should be coming "" or NULL when no option is selected.


The problem was that the type when there is no data is not an empty array but an empty string.