How can I get an array/object with the shipping rates in magento such as Flat Rate, Free Delivery etc ?
Irrelevant of the address or products selected.
Here's another way. You need to set a zip and country - even if that doesn't matter for your shipping methods.
// Change to your postcode / country.
$zipcode = '2000';
$country = 'AU';
// Update the cart's quote.
$cart = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart');
$address = $cart->getQuote()->getShippingAddress();
// Find if our shipping has been included.
$rates = $address->collectShippingRates()
foreach ($rates as $carrier) {
foreach ($carrier as $rate) {
you can't do it "irrelevant" as you need address data (billing or shipping if only billing then shipping set same as billing: country, zip, region dependant of your shipping methods) to be set and quote to have at least one simple item (quote existing, virtual and downloadable products don't need shipping). After that you can call on your quote object