I am using magento and Google Checkout. When want to use Flat rate, Free Shipping over $75 and 10% shipping between $68 - $75.
How i implement all three on my magento store.
I have searched more and got a solution, it's not a good idea to change core file but it's working. You can calculate price with charges before sending in google checkout. change core file of google checkout at /app/code/core/Mage/GoogleCheckout/Model/Api/Xml/checkout.php .
Go to line 579 and make condition as you want. In my case the condition is as:
$subTotal = Mage::getModel('checkout/cart')->getQuote()->getSubtotal();
if($subTotal <=68.50){
$xml .= <<<EOT
<{$nodeName} name="{$title}">
<price currency="{$this->getCurrency()}">{$price}</price>
if(($subTotal > 68.50) && ($subTotal < 75)){
$price = $subTotal*10/100;
$xml .= <<<EOT
<{$nodeName} name="{$title}">
<price currency="{$this->getCurrency()}">{$price}</price>
if($subTotal >=75){
$price = 0.00;
$xml .= <<<EOT
<{$nodeName} name="{$title}">
<price currency="{$this->getCurrency()}">{$price}</price>
Now refresh your store and make payment with google checkout.