I have a python function that defines triples in subject, object and predicates and iterate through them but I need to convert the triples to a RDF URIRef data forma so that I can store it in my RDF store. How can I go about this?
I am using RDFLib for my RDF store, as explained above I am trying to convert a set of data(sensor data to be specific) in a dictionary to RDFLIb URIRef format.
e.g if I have self.triples[self.identifier][prov['subject']]=self.subject.identifier self.triples[self.identifier][rdf['type']]= prov['alternateOf'] and I convert them to URIRef format using RDFLib
as for the store I am using a RDFStore for n3 format
My point here is: RDFLib makes use of Python strings as subjects, predicates, and objects but some operations will not work if they are not properly converted to rdflib.URIRef data format. It is only when they are in the proper format that I can store then in an RDFStore.