You can't have a RDF triple that consists of string literals only.
An RDF triple consists of subject, predicate and object. Subjects and predicates are always URIs. Objects can be URIs or (string) literals. (Subjects and objects could also be blank nodes, though.)
To describe data in RDF, you need URIs that represent the things/concepts/relationships.
For your example you could use the popular FOAF vocabulary. In Turtle syntax it could look like:
<> <> "Serge Abiteboul" .
The datatype of object literals can be specified with XML Schema, e.g. "-5.0"^^xsd:decimal
for a decimal number. The language of object literal strings can also be specified, e.g. "house"@en
for an English string.
Of course you could use prefixes instead of using the full URIs all the time (but in the end it would still be URIs):
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix ex: <> .
ex:person1#me foaf:name "Serge Abiteboul" .
So if you want to model data in RDF, you have to
- find (or create) URIs for the abstract things you want to describe, and
- find (or create) vocabularies/ontologies that define classes and properties (in the form of URIs) to describe the abstract things and their relationships.
Some popular vocabularies:
For persons and social networks, see FOAF. For online communities, see SIOC. For authorship and document metadata, see Dublin Core. For class hierarchies, see RDFS and SKOS. For products, see GoodRelations. For software projects, see DOAP. And so on.