I'm very new to CakePHP, for my first project I'm making a mostly static site with some forms etc. I use CakePHP 2.2
As I read in CookBook for static pages I should use default Pages Controller " If you make the view file app/View/Pages/about_us.ctp you can access it using the url http://example.com/pages/about_us. bla bla bla" So I've made new view in /View/Pages/ and then filled it with some lorem ipsum.
When I try to access it with http://example.com/pages/myview I get a Missing Method in PagesController error.
So I've tried to delete all stuff in app/Controller/PagesController.php and fill it with some basic things like
class PagesController extends AppController {
public function index() {
public function staticpagename() {
and now it works, I have access to my pages with two different views. But I want to add about 6 or 7 static pages which requires different views. Writing tons of public function staticpagename looks kind of wrong way. What should I do to correctly achieve my goals: static pages without flooding controller with empty methods?
method – Gabriel Santos