I have a little problem isnisde my controller. I want that a user can access only inside some pages an andmin user inside more pages.
I have a controller called UsersController this is its beforeFilter method
public function beforeFilter () {
parent::beforeFilter(); // chiamo anche il callback beforeFilter dal parent per ottenere un'autorizzazione per l'utente loggato da tutte le viste $this->Auth->allow('index','view'); per tutti i Model
$views = array ('login','register','activate');
if ($this->Session->read('is_logged')) {
$views = array_merge ($views, array ('login','logout', 'change_password'));
if ($user_type == 'admin') {
$views = array_merge ($views, array ('add','delete','edit','create','index'));
in this function guest can enter inside login, register and activate.
user logged can access inside login. logout and change_password, admin to the other pages more.
But this not works. For example a user logged can access inside the index view or add view.
Why this?
This is my beforeFilter inside appController:
public function beforeFilter () {
$auth_user = $this->Auth->user();
$this->set('user_type', $auth_user['group']);
How can I manage correctly permission to enter in pages?