
1) a 32bit dll is placed in C:\Windows\SysWOW64

2) Registered using regasm.exe

3) While compiling, i set the target cpu to x86

I can add reference in my vb6 program but when i try to call the method within the dll, it failed. Error message as follow :

 "Runtime Error '-2147467261' object instance not set to an instance of an object"

Codes here :

Set m_objCLogon = CreateObject("CommonLogon.Logon")
strResult = m_objCLogon.ValidateLogin(p_strUserID, p_strEncryptedPwd, p_strAppID)

The code is pretty simple, just passing in the credentials for validation.

Anyone knows which part has gone wrong?

Judging from the error message the problem is not in the VB6 application, but in the DLL itself. You should have a look at the source of ValidateLogin instead.Daniel Rikowski
Is it a .NET DLL or a COM/ActiveX DLL?CJM

2 Answers


Clearly there's nothing wrong with the registration, the error message is a .NET exception message. Your code is bombing on a NullReferenceException. That's a very common exception and it is (nearly) always caused by a bug in your code.

You'll need to debug your code. Do so with Project + Properties, Debug tab. Select "Start external program" and set it to your vb6 program or c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vb6\vb6.exe. Then Debug + Exceptions, tick the Thrown box for CLR exceptions. Press F5 to start.


If it were me, I would copy the DLL to the System32 directory (since it IS a VB6 32bit DLL) and I would use regsvr32 c:\Windows\System32\MyDLL.DLL. Just like using it on any other 32 bit machine.